2024-06-AE02-Adult: Beginner / Intermediate (Evening: Thursdays) 7 students enrolled
Session Date: Jun 06 to Jun 27, 2024
Session Date:
Jun 06 - Jun 27, 2024
Lessons Left 0
Lesson Level:
Beginner/Intermediate Adult
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Lesson Duration: (in mins) 90 mins
Number of Lessons: 0 lessons
Class Fee: (prorated # of lessons left) $0 (plus Convenience Fee)
Age Group / Level: Adult
Lesson Dates: 4
Lesson Dates Left: 0

Adult : Beginner / Intermediate

In this class you will learn the basics of tennis, and begin to rally and play in the first class.

Lesson Plan:

Instant Tennis:  a progression that helps players to rally immediately
Rally Builders: help players to get the ball going back and forth sooner  ~ drills to teach players where the proper point of contact should be.
Introduce the volley.
Introduce the overhead.
Introduce a simple serve.
Introduce scoring and tie-breakers.

Introduce Fun Drills to work on:

Baseline play
Net Play
Passing / Lob
consistency / sustaining a rally
basic strategy / effective patterns of play 
importance of depth
serve positioning
return strategy
and match play.

If you have never played before now, it is the time.